

You have two main ways to install QGO :

  • With ONLY your Meta Quest (meaning you don't need any computer or Smartphone nor USB cable)
  • Or by using the old method with a computer, and USB cable and SideQuest (Advanced Installer :

REMEMBER that QGO is able to enable ADB by itself on each device restart, meaning you don't need to redo the installation steps if you followed them correctly.

REMEMBER that this is normal if that on each device restart, when you first start QGO, Android system ask you to for ADB Wireless debugging permission. This is how Android system work. You just have to click the "Always Allow" button ONCE PER HEADSET RESTART.

It is strongly recommended to follow STEP by STEP and CLICK by CLICK what you see in the video you chose to follow.

If ADB icon is still red after each restart, you must uninstall QGO, then reboot the device then follow the tutorial again.


More solutions to install an .apk (via PC, MAC, Linux, Android Smartphone)

More solutions to enable ADB (via PC, MAC, Linux, Android Smartphone)


Vous avez deux principales façons d'installer QGO :

  • Avec SEULEMENT votre Meta Quest (ce qui signifie que vous n'avez besoin ni d'ordinateur, ni de Smartphone, ni de câble USB)
  • Ou en utilisant l'ancienne méthode avec un ordinateur, un câble USB et SideQuest (Advanced Installer :

POUR RAPPEL, QGO est capable d'activer ADB tout seul à chaque redémarrage de l'appareil, ce qui signifie que vous n'avez pas besoin de refaire les étapes d'installation si vous les avez suivies correctement.

N'OUBLIEZ PAS qu'il est normal qu'à chaque redémarrage de l'appareil, lorsque vous démarrez QGO pour la première fois, le système Android vous demande l'autorisation de déboguer sans fil ADB. C'est ainsi que fonctionne le système Android. Il vous suffit de cliquer sur le bouton "Toujours autoriser" UNE FOIS PAR REDÉMARRAGE DU CASQUE.

Il est fortement recommandé de suivre STEP par STEP et CLICK par CLICK ce que vous voyez dans la vidéo que vous avez choisi de suivre.

Si l'icône ADB est toujours rouge après chaque redémarrage, vous devez désinstaller QGO, redémarrer l'appareil et suivre à nouveau le tutoriel.


Plus de solutions pour installer un .apk (via PC, MAC, Linux, Smartphone Android)

Plus de solutions pour activer ADB (via PC, MAC, Linux, Smartphone Android)

Get Quest Games Optimizer

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I accidentally turn on auto direction how do I fix it

Do you mean auto detection ? If yes, just turn it off ;-) Go to the same place where you turned it on


When setting up I can get to opening settings checking builder than I go to system and developer option is not there I can't get the debug part to get a code I don't get it.

You must first go to About and click 7 time in the Build to enable the developer options

Thank you for all your help it works great.

You're welcome :-) Feel free to leave a rating if you love the app :-)

hi when installing game optimizer just with the headset using mobile vr station do i download the apk file on my phone or do i download it through the headset web browser.

Through your headset as you install it from the headset 👍

Deleted 28 days ago

I think I get was @daspinall is saying. The "How to" video at the top is fuzzy during the first few seconds. It took me a bit to figure out that you're typing "mob" in the search.

Now that I have figured that out, I don't get any results in my search for "mob" - I don't get a result at all, and no other searches bring up an app called "Mobile VR Station."

(1 edit)

Mobile VR station must be downloaded from the Store 😉 And if you want to install with XR Native Android File Manager (see my other apps), the video also shows that.

If you open the video 4K this will help 👍

I’m halfway in the auto install and once I get to the step where you go into files to install the second time, I can’t open that files and my other files doesn’t look the same. 

Hello, could you tell me more or share me screenshots ? What do you mean by files ? The apk file or the settings app ?

I’m now stuck on 2:11 in the video where it’s having me have my settings window open and my QGO settings window open side by side to put the code in to turn on the ADB. Can’t figure out how to make them stay open side by side. Thank you! 

Hello, can't you do like in the video ? You must click the open settings but. It wilk then close QGO. Move the settings app to the left side and open QGO again

(1 edit)

Hi there. The new auto install worked on my Quest 3, but not on my Quest 2. Do I need to buy it again, or can I re download it and install it manually?

Hi, the new install method work on all my headsets : Q2, QPro and Q3, if it didn't work, you can restart your Quest and try again.

Anyway, no need to buy it again and yes you can still install it manually. Just check the installation instructions page ;-)

Can you add the Death Unchained game to HD+?

Hello, what you can do is to copy the HD one and increase resolution by 200-300px and increase the GPU to ultra. You can monitor performances with OVR Metrics Tool overlay and ensure GPU utilization is never over 93% max and you must ensure the FPS graph is rock solid. Then come back to me. I didn't have my save anymore so it will be long to redo the game. But is you want to share me your save, I could look at that


I need to download the qgo app file again but I can't find a link for it? I'm not the best with this sort of stuff. I've deleted it off the quest 3 and now can't find it. Thanks 

Hello, I already answered to you by email ;-)

Yeah I have joined. I didnt even know you had a discord till you said something. 

(1 edit)

On the main page you can see facebook, reddit and discord groups :-)

You can send me a private message by now

I have a dedicated Wi-Fi network specifically for the Quest, ensuring no other devices are connected to that network or router. I use two routers: a Nighthawk mesh system and another high-performance router exclusively for the Quest, equipped with full 2.5Gb LAN and WAN ports, and Wi-Fi 7 capability.

All my computers are connected via 2.5Gb LAN. Despite trying USB connections, I haven't found them to improve performance significantly. Your instructions and video suggest that the setup is straightforward, but in reality, there are numerous factors that need to be aligned for it to work properly. That's why I mentioned an alternative method to bridge ADB, which could simplify the process for others.

To clarify, I have substantial experience in this field as a former Android Developer with many years of programming expertise. I was the lead founder of PurefusionOS ROM and Nebula Kernel. Various factors, such as different hardware (Q2 vs. Q3, Qpro) and firmware versions (release vs. Public Beta), can impact performance. I'm currently using the Public Beta.

I plan to run additional tests and may capture a logcat if time permits. While reconnecting to ADB after each reboot or game load is inconvenient, it's manageable. I just wanted to highlight that the process may not be as straightforward for everyone as it appears.

The best is you join me on discord 👍


it used to work like this for me, I can get the ADB pairing to work like video said, but after reboot I would have to redo it again.. now a day later I have to repair it after every game I try and load.

so its not staying connected no matter what. and I am on the Quest 3...

Weird, mine is still connected way before I released the v10 on my Q3. And concerning my Q2 and QPro, they are still connected since I released the v10.

Did you often switch from network ? If this doesn't work, you should consider doing the ADB connection with the USB method

Thank you for your quick response and all your hard work on the app. I wanted to share a suggestion that could enhance its usability.

The website TechDoctorUK might offer some valuable insights. You can contact the author directly Here

TechDoctorUK has released several apps for Google TV and Amazon Fire OS that utilize ADB. These apps generate a self-signed certificate upon the first connection, allowing subsequent connections without the need for repeated dialog confirmations. This feature significantly simplifies the connection process.

Your app is already great, but incorporating a similar self-signed certificate mechanism could elevate its functionality. It would enable automatic reconnections without the need for user intervention after each reboot. I followed your video instructions and kept the window open before entering it into the box, but I encountered issues, which I eventually resolved after much trial and error. 

Implementing a self-signed certificate approach as used by TechDoctorUK could streamline the process, eliminating the need for additional steps and making it more user-friendly. Even if a certificate needs to be recreated occasionally due to hardware or software changes, it would still be a straightforward task.

Thank you again for your excellent work and responsiveness.

Thank you I will check that. IMO accepting the prompt once per Quest retard is not a big deal but if a solution exists, I must check that :)

The ADB new method is kinda a pain in the butt, I had to uninstall and reinstall twice, and still didnt work right. Finely I got it to work right. be honest, you might want to explore a better way, check out Android TV's UKTechDoctor way out, he does kinda the same thing, but he creates a trust file so that it will auto accept even after reboots. without asking over and over. plus it just seems easier then this way.  Just a option... because its not as easy as 123..


QGO is easier to install than ever. Old QGO versions required the PC for the installation. Now you can do that only with your Quest. For some it doesn't work because then don't leave the setting window opened next to QGO (I mentioned this fact under the video). Also, you don't have to uninstall but just restart the Quest is case of this still doesn't work.

Thanks, I will check what you entioned if you have some link 👍

The video is useless

(2 edits)

Could you tell me more ? What do you mean by useless ? What video are you talking about ? Did you encounter problem during installation or need some help ?

You could check this video from BMFVR, it's in english :